About Amari -

15 (19 eventually)
bday - may 31st

likes: Dak Galbi, Tamales, Songpyeon, Arroz con Leche, sports, reading, drawing, anatomy, technology, financing, neurology, dogs

dislikes: Fish, Menudo, loud noises, pitch black places

personality traits -

prudent, calm, sage, cooperative, secretive, independent, compassionate, conscientiousness, reverential, zany, erratic, observant

Appearance (lore changes his looks) -

Amari has dark purple hair stripes and eye color. Unlike Amaris, Amari's color does not change. Amari likes to style his clothes by similar color schemes that fit his hair color. His clothing design is simple for now. Throughout his journey, his sense of fashion becomes better. Amari's color represents mixed feelings.

Accurately, the colors would represent what it's seen as but there isn't a color for mixed feelings. red is seen as negative while blue could be seen as a positive emotion. Blue could be seen as sadness; however, I see it as positive. Since red and blue are often seen together (mostly as opposites), I wanted to give Amari a color that could represent both sides.

Amaris's normal color is blue which is shown on the art on the left. Amari and Amaris is technically the same person just one goes through a bunch of trauma and the other is the effect of it.

Info and facts about Amari(s) -

• His real name is Armando but was given a different name when his parents moved to the US
• at first his name was Makoto, then Mani but Amaris fit perfectly for plurality
• Amari moved to the US when he was 5
• Amari's ancestors came to the us during the California Gold Rush. Successfully finding gold, they had stayed in the US until the money dissipated. Soon after, they migrated to Mexico
• Later, his parents came back to the US to have easy money made
• Discriminated and given less opportunities to get jobs and better pay, they had left the US and fled to Japan.

↓↓↓ lore contains sensitive topics

backstory (first half) -

Amari is one of many versions of themselves across the entire multiverse. Amari has psychic powers, but he does not have all the abilities. Some people are blessed with powers, while others don't know powers even exists. Amari had parents that taught him about morals and choosing the correct path even in difficult situations. He never used his powers for evil, and always used it for small personal gain. Throughout the years, the world slowly gotten more corrupted and affected his parents. Half the worlds population were hit with this corruption. Amari was undergoing the corruption. However, his subconscious had not forgotten his former parent's words and let Amari stay his true self. Unfortunately, his parents were unable to clear their mindset and therefore changed for the worse.

Amari was picked on for his inability to socialize well and his distinct appearance from everyone else. Although, Amari has never really given in to them. People have seen him as either scary or weak. Very few saw him as human. Rinco is one of the few people who helped him. His parents also helped him which made him control himself; even so, the corruption soon followed and changed things for Amari. His parents would distant themselves from Amari until it turned into neglection. Rinco could not defend him after switching classes as he had his own set of problems to solve.

Amari understands why they have changed. They were corrupted by the worlds cruel expectations and standards. He only has the memories of his parents old selves to keep himself moving on. The picking on intense and turned into servere bullying. He never attempts to harm or defend himself from the bullies, he just tries his best to avoid them and using his powers to do so. He doesn't always succeed. He never lets the bullying get to him. Amari dwelled the pain for years, until he turned 15.

After a while of turning 15, an incident occurred. Amari returned home from school and decided to take a long nap in his room right as he got there. He was exhausted from the kids at school bullying him. Amari woke up 5 hours later. It was around 8:25pm that he woke up and decided to go downstairs. From the living room he saw his father on the floor dead. Then, he saw his mother getting her throat cut open by an unknown muderers weapon. He couldn't react fast enough to use his telekinesis on the weapon. Amari couldn't process what he saw and what was happening. He was unconsciously staring at the murderer. Soon, he gained consciousness, aware of what was happening and saw the person who killed his parents. They looked similar to himself, but Amari didn't care about that. Amari witnessing this had erode him. He felt like he was deoritating, crumbling down on the floor. Amari had been through so much because of his parents, but he cannot help but feel all these negative and positive emotions. Everything hit him at that moment and he snapped. He screamed as he broke down immensely to the point it exceeded his strength. His emotions are so intense and hellish that his powers also become loose and out of control. Meanwhile, the killer that looks very similar to him is content with the scene he's watching below him. He loved it so much that his emotions also are intensified. His anguish, his agony soon faded away as he felt sadistic from Amari's reaction to his family dying. Amari was too fixiated on his parents and feelings that he forgot the killer was still in the room.

Both of their powers had linked by accident that their emotions also were conneted together. This caused them both to lose consciousness. This incident was an abnormality and effected the universe. Everything and everyone in the planet had become seriously injured or died because of the strong air force that the linking had done. Some even got their powers malformed permanently.

In other universes, around the same time but different time zones, all the other versions of Amari had experienced massive, wearisome emotions that it effected their own universes too. Many parallel universes are having this sudden burst of energy from emotions that the multiverse doesn't seem to understand what's going on. It confused the multiverse. Since it came from the same person but different universes, the emotions that were greatly felt bind themselves with all the other strong emotions happening across universes to create one world with those set of emotions into its own person. All the alternatives of amari were put into a singular body. This has overcome the multiverse laws.

The body was formed identical to Amari's body. Amari woke up, drained from the breakdown he had last night. He felt off, detached from the world. Seconds later, he remembered what happened. No corpses were found In front of him. No stains, weapon, nothing. It was as if the incident never occurred. Amari thought the killer had spared him and gotten rid of the evidence. Amari looked around to look for any evidence. He gave up, sitting on the couch crying because all the evidence pointing to the killer had disappeared. He didn't know what to feel, he had intense mixed feelings. The only way he could relieve his emotions was to cry. After he finished crying, he had lost his energy again. Amari only had enough energy to think. So he thought to himself, trying to remember what happened right before he passed out. Time passed, he tried and tried. He eventually remembered that he felt being sunk into another world and body. Then, he remembered that he was linked into the killers self. Soon feeling that the body sunk into was his and the other too.

Amari could not comprehend his memories. He doesn't believe that it even happened. He thinks his mind is tricking him. Amari doesn't want to believe it due to multiple reasons. The killer looked identical to him and could mean so many things. Amari concludes that if they had bonded together, then he himself is the one who got rid of the evidence. Amari knows that he would go to jail if this murder was brought to light, and he definitely will not go to jail for something he didn't act out. does not want to go to jail for something he did not do. The realization hits him as he noticed that his clothes isn't stained with blood.

Amari withdrew from the world, isolating himself in his room in the wake of his parents' deaths. Alone and abandoned, he yearned for someone to come to his aid, but no one arrived. After a prolonged period of solitude, Amari barely mustered the courage to step outside, into a world that felt strangely unfamiliar. His surroundings had transformed, presenting a new and mysterious path forward. Puzzled, he decided to go and explore outside.

second half of backstory -

other characters -


all art shown is mine

Dark Blue Snowflake